The shelf


These are novels that have stuck in my brain, all ginger paste and grits. Yes they have their problems re subject portrayls and shit writing / author, but the shine beneath the rust still lures me in.

Earth below her, spinning away, ... but she turned away from it. Her body aimed instead for cold and distant stars.

The kind of scifi with heart and dirt. The kinda scifi that doesn't suck and aren't the same goddamn white colonization fantasy that white people are so horny for.

Men are each other's brothers and keepers. A woman needs a witness.

Horror with heart. Horror of color. Black horror. Mainly adult horror novels that aren't shitty stephen king rip offs. or worse, stephen king. Fuck boring traumaporn horror, we eat fear with silver spoons in this book list.

The only real magic is the things we'll do for the ones we love.

Fantasy That Doesn't Suck. Fuck the same damn tropes and fucking cinderella fairy tale remakes that are disney reskins. Give me weird interesting unique refreshing takes. And give me the adult genre, none of this YA immature baloney we've read a million times already. Show me the weird side of the wild side. [Aimed towards adult genre, some honorary ya genre for flavoring]

...watching an experimental film is the closest you can come to dreaming another person's dreams.

Not a huge film watcher, but these are some that have stuck with me over time.

You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough.

Mysteries and Thrillers and Suspense that doesn't suck. According to me. Listen I can't stand a sherlock or agatha christie knock off. I'm mainly a horror fan, so these are the few and far between that impressed me enough to take note.

...if I don't have at least three people actively trying to kill me, I feel like I've pissed away a week.

Villains With Hearts. Well written Villains from the 'Superhero' genre that aren't poorly thought out anti heroes, or [barf] fantasy cops. Aimed towards adults, not YA genre. Also some heroes of color.